On message

Subject There's a full moon.......
Sent24.01.2005 00:16

Alli, I have sent the DVD's - I hope they play okay
for you.

Now, before you get all excited and go breaking a nail
opening the package, a few things - first ,there's no
artwork (I am a mere plasterer after all ). I just
pasted the tracklist from the audio recording for the
Apollo DVD, it doesn't correspond to any chapters on
the disc .

Secondly, on the other DVD, some of the clips are not
good quality. I don't know if this is down to
converting from avi to mpeg or if they are just bad
captures. The "Nighthawks..." one is really bad. Stand
by your remote for the volume as well.

Also, the "Celebrity Deathmatch" clip is a bit gruesome
but I included it anyway. I wouldn't let your daughter
see it, especially as she has no fringe to hide behind.

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