On message

Subject Is everyone...
Sent14.08.2005 06:21

It is true! I am writing, half-alive, from a lonely
prison cell. You see, one night, I was listening to
shore leave and was overcome by a manic desire to meet
Mr. Waits in person. So I grabbed my jacket, and some
cash from my piggy bank and some gum and a lighter and
a knife. I ran down the street, heading south towards
california. Somewhere along the way I stole a car from
a midget who was busy playing pool and sped down the
highway at 95 miles an hour. I'll be getting my
license soon anyways. The trip from here (yes it is
oregon) to northern california usually takes about 9
hours, but I did it in 6. So i was slowly cruising all
around the napa valley, looking for my hero, when I
saw a big lump of a house. I decided this one must be
his. I parked my car about a 100 yards away and waited
there until the rain stopped. I snuck up to his
window. There my friends, was Tom sitting at the piano
behind the Ivar in the sewers. I listened for a while,
and worked up the courage to knock on the window. As
soon as this happened I was attacked from all sides by
giant california cops. Since recently, it's been
illegal to knock on the windows of people you don't
know. The last thing I saw was Tom waving from the
piano bench, before they got me with their stun-gun.
Since I am not so big (barely 5 feet tall), the shock
was enough to kill me. But knocking on people's
windows is such a great offense that they were not
content just burying me in the cold ground, I had to
be schlepped off to prison. Since then I've woken up a
little, and I'm not sure why I'm here. But I will
never forget my moment with Tom Waits.

This story proves that I have too much time on my
hands. Good thing school starts again soon....(or not)
it is nice to hear from other tom waits fans. Although
I did get one of my friends to buy one of his cd's. i
was very proud.

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