Dylan Comparsion, <ginsoakedboy>, 19.10.2004 00:09
Dylan Comparsion, <Raindog Harry>, 19.10.2004 00:41
Dylan Comparsion, <Allibee>, 19.10.2004 00:49
Dylan Comparsion, <poor edward>, 19.10.2004 19:14
Dylan Comparsion, <poor edward>, 19.10.2004 19:16
Dylan Comparsion, <Allibee>, 19.10.2004 20:14
Beefheart Comparsion, <ginsoakedboy>, 20.10.2004 01:48
Beefheart Comparsion, <Allibee>, 20.10.2004 17:01
Beefheart Comparsion, <poor edward>, 26.10.2004 15:45
Dylan Comparsion, <ginsoakedboy>, 20.10.2004 01:50
Subject Dylan Comparsion
Created19.10.2004 00:49

Actually my hubby who is the big Tom fan in this
house (I can't compete as it was HE who introduced ME
to the fantastic Mr Waits' music) says the same about
the Capt Beefheart comparison. He likes Beefheart
too but the funny thing is that I can't stand
CBeefheart but love TW!
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