rain dogs, <gryma&#347;nica>, 13.05.2005 00:34
rain dogs, <Eric>, 13.05.2005 00:51
rain dogs, <Raindog Harry>, 17.05.2005 23:28
rain dogs, <Alli>, 18.05.2005 12:51
rain dogs, <grymasnica>, 23.05.2005 21:48
Subject rain dogs
Created18.05.2005 12:51

I always thought that was the case.. however, in my
personal interpretation of Raindogs, they don't really
have a conventional home because they don't necessarily
want one. The streets and the bars are their homes and
the Raindogs stick together as a family. I think they
enjoy life to the full without the need for material
things. They don't even lack love for they get that
from each other. They are primarily male - there are
very few female raindogs.

Anyway... back to reality...
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