Nothing, <ginsoakedboy>, 12.07.2005 12:40
Nothing much, <Alli>, 13.07.2005 02:13
Nothing much, <ginsoakedboy>, 13.07.2005 03:30
Nothing much but still..., <Eric>, 13.07.2005 11:36
Nothing much but still..., <Alli>, 14.07.2005 03:22
Subject Nothing
Created12.07.2005 12:40

Hope ye are all well.

Eric, I enjoyed very much your C(l)ock postings!!

I must say, it is a special talent to take someone's
work in another language, and in translation not only
keep it's spirit but sprinkle it with some magic of
your own. It's hard to judge where to be literal , and
where to use your poetic license.

I have not had the pleasure of all your company, as the
British & Irish Lions rugby Tour was taking up a lot of

However, I have just had a torn knee cartilage removed
in a minor operation, so spare time will be there for
the wasting.
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