Chocolate, <Raindog Harry>, 17.07.2005 17:43
Chocolate, <Alli>, 17.07.2005 23:51
Chocolate, <Raindog Harry>, 18.07.2005 04:29
Chocolate Jesus, <Eric>, 18.07.2005 15:32
Chocolate, <Uncle Bob>, 18.07.2005 02:39
Subject Chocolate
Created17.07.2005 23:51

Hello Harry

There were a lot of rumours about him taking part in
this film but I have searched and searched and can't
find any concrete information anywhere. I'd hazard a
guess and say that maybe one of his songs was used.
Until I see it I won't know.

I have to see it Waits or no Waits... chocolate you see
- I can't resist. Plus, of course, I have 3 kids who
will be wanting to see it.

Hope all is well with you.

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