Message from Harry, <Eric>, 03.08.2005 14:12
Does Harry really...., <Alli>, 04.08.2005 23:02
Does Harry really...., <Gerd>, 05.08.2005 16:28
You have a nice weekend too Gerd...., <Alli>, 05.08.2005 16:55
Alas..., <ginsoakedboy>, 14.08.2005 02:05
To Alli, <Raindog Harry>, 17.08.2005 22:05
To Harry, <Alli>, 19.08.2005 14:00
To Harry PS, <Alli>, 19.08.2005 14:10
To Harry PS, <Raindog Harry>, 29.08.2005 14:58
Subject To Harry PS
Created19.08.2005 14:10

....oh and about that T shirt...

The combination of a lovely looking man like yourself
AND the fact he would be wearing a Tom Waits T shirt
would be enough of an excuse to attack (in the nicest
possible way).

Us TW fans seem rare on the street. My advice is, if
you see one grab them. Or at least start a
conversation with them.

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