The tiger and the snow, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2005 17:27
The tiger and the snow, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2005 17:30
The tiger and the snow, <Eric>, 06.10.2005 21:00
The tiger and the snow, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2005 22:50
The tiger and the snow, <Gerd>, 09.10.2005 13:29
Subject The tiger and the snow
SenderRaindog Harry
Created06.10.2005 17:30

P.S.: with 'with Waits' I meant that Waits is in the
movie, (as most of you will probably know), not that
I have any knowledge of him being present at some
premiere evening.

(To avoid possible disappointment on your side...)

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