Striking, <Raindog Harry>, 18.10.2005 00:07
Striking, <Tristan>, 18.10.2005 01:04
Striking, <Raindog Harry>, 19.10.2005 03:27
Striking, <Eliza>, 22.10.2005 22:13
Striking, <Raindog Harry>, 23.10.2005 22:16
Striking, <Raindog Harry>, 23.10.2005 22:17
Striking, <Eliza>, 24.10.2005 20:55
Striking, <Raindog Harry>, 25.10.2005 03:38
Striking, <Tristan>, 26.10.2005 01:30
Subject Striking
SenderRaindog Harry
Created18.10.2005 00:07

You know what strikes me?

If you look at the oldest messages in this forum,
they seem to be exclusively in Russian. Nowadays we
meet a Russian posting every now and then. But where
have all the Russians gone? This is originally a
Russian forum isn't it? How do all those old time
Russians communicate about Tom? Just wondering.

Nazdrovje, or something like that.
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