Alone, <Raindog Harry>, 10.01.2006 02:22
Alone, <marco>, 10.01.2006 02:55
Alone, <Raindog Harry>, 11.01.2006 07:24
Alone, <ginsoakedboy>, 15.01.2006 01:36
Alone, <Eric>, 10.01.2006 13:52
Alone, <Alli>, 11.01.2006 03:07
Alone, <Mary>, 11.01.2006 20:23
Alone, <Raindog Harry>, 14.01.2006 23:33
Not Alone, <ginsoaked>, 15.01.2006 01:32
Not Alone, <Raindog Harry>, 15.01.2006 03:30
Subject Alone
Created15.01.2006 01:36

Sorry to hear that . It is hard, but only time, time,
time will make it a little easier , day by day.

Take it easy, and remember that there are no rules to
times like these.
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