This guestbook is maintained by
Serge Rusakov, ,

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Miguel Garcнa Urbani, , 2002-04-16 20:38

Waits es una buena puerta de entrada al mundo del jazz. Como argentino les puedo decir que TW tiene muchos puntos de contancto con el tango, aunque, tal vez, eso no lo sepa ni йl mismo.

Andre, , 2002-04-16 15:35

I live in Waits country, close enough that I can drive by his house in about an hour an a half from mine....The vibe is great....Looking forward to all the media that will accompaby the new releases....thanks for having a fine place to visit...andre

bobbie, , 2002-04-14 20:28

GREAT site. Tom Waits is one of the best ever. I've visited other sites and I found yours exceptional. THANKS!!!

Apfel, , 2002-04-06 11:39

Спасибо за Ваш сайт :)) Приятно, когда то, что ищешь, находится среди кучи сайтов быстро и именно такое, как хотелось :)

Mike, , 2002-03-25 22:12

НАКОНЕЦ ТО !!! Ура!Нашел сайт о Waits'е!Простенько и со вкусом, главное можно кое что скачать...

Ben Hofferman, , 2002-03-23 13:25

THANK YOU SO MUCH.....From Philadelphia PA. Going straight up to the top where the air is fresh and clear !

Kath, , 2002-03-22 22:29

Ребята, спасибо за сайт! Только недавно заинтересовалась творчеством TW, и сразу у вас нашла все, что искала!

Dave, , 2002-03-20 19:41

Does anyone have any info. on his upcoming albums...I heard he was coming out with 2 new ones. I think they were called Red drum and Alice. I'm dying to hear them...Oh yeah, great site!!!

Paolo, , 2002-03-11 17:52

Grazie per gli MP3. Ciao ragazzi. Paolo (Italy)

Joanna Binkowska, , 2002-03-11 10:24

hey... tutaj Asia z Toronto. Pozdrowienia dla fanow Toma Waits's w Rosji : )

alex, , 2002-03-10 15:00

помогите достать TW Early Years есть что предложить на обмен

Anya, , 2002-03-10 03:15

Nash utchitel' angl. poznakomil nas s Tom Waits cherez "Marta". Otchen' ponravilas' i ya nashla Vash w-site. Ogromnoe spasibo, teper' ya znayu bol'she.! Anya

dodo, , 2002-03-06 16:08

great site! glad to see that Mr. Waits has fans around the world. Your lyrics collection is most excellent!

donut, , 2002-03-05 06:51

this is donut from guangzhou, china. great site about old tom! congratulations! thank you so much for your mp3! you know, i'm dying to listen to more waits songs. would you pls upload more stuff? thanks again!

RedWheel, , 2002-03-02 22:33

Давно я искал ЭТОТ сайт. Ещё с 1998 года ищю. Очень доволен, и содержанием сайта и простотой оформления. Спасибо! Роюсь, копаю, и тяну. Большего не мог найти даже у буржуев!

Daemon JInguji, , 2002-02-25 04:42

Hi! I'm beggest Tom Waits Fan in japan. this HP so Great. so Fantastic! so Excellent I've never seen before. I have mostly enjoyed

Anna, , 2002-02-24 15:33

for Becca: I've heard a song with that phrase on a soundtrack of "Cruel Intentions". It was called Bedroom Dancing (First recording) by Day One. Who or what is "Day One" I don't know. I suppose it could be a remake or something like that

emma, , 2002-02-24 13:30

hiya...great reference site....:) I am trying to find the lyrics for 'sea of love'....I thought tom waits did a version of this?......or do I have the name of the song wrong?.....

Becca, , 2002-02-19 23:37

Hi. I have a question about the name of one of Tom Waits' songs... I dont remember the name of the song but I remember the beginning instrumental part was really heavy and the song said something along the lines of " tell me no secrets and i'll tell you lies" If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated

barbara lobasso, , 2002-02-16 22:56

Hi: I have a question - I would like to print the lists of albums, tracks and lyrics and can't - why? Barbara

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