Telephone call From Istambul, <BezBaldbI>, 25.02.2003 10:05
Telephone call From Istambul, <Sealex>, 25.02.2003 23:03
Telephone call From Istambul, <Nobody>, 01.03.2003 22:02
Тема Telephone call From Istambul
Отправлено01.03.2003 22:02

Beula(h) (land ) [Take Care Of All Of My Children,
Telephone Call From Istanbul, Take It With Me ]
1. Bible (Isa. lxii. 4).
The land of Israel in the Old Testament
2a. The land of peace described in John Bunyan's
Pilgrim's Progress (The American Heritage®
Dictionary of the English Language,
Houghton Mifflin - Third Edition )
2b. In Pilgrim's Progress it is that
land of heavenly joy where the pilgrims
tarry till they are summoned to enter
the celestial City; the Paradise before
the resurrection. ("The First Hypertext
Edition of The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable",
E. Cobham Brewer. © 1997-99 Ltd )
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