Eric29.10.2004 14:04How to get rid of the man ;-)
Billie Holiday, Jacques Brel, Louis Armstrong, Arno,
Philippe Lйotard, The Pixies, John Hammond, Leon
Redbone, Buck 65, Kurt Weill, Screaming Jay, Vladimir
Vissotsky, Arthur H, John & Evan Lurie, Marc Ribot and
even David Buchbinder (have you seen the
hilarious "The stone of folly" by Jesse Rosensweet,
inspired by Hieronymous Bosch painting : great
waitsian music!)...
All those people help me to avoid becoming a painfull
Tom Waits monomaniac. But tell me, is there someone
I'm missing out ? Someone I would like very much to
listen to and that I don't even know ? Some great
stuff in the Waits kind of line ?
Help me out ! Tell me how to get rid of the man ;-)
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