Raindog Harry01.11.2004 04:57Top 10 Waits Songs?
How about sending in a list of top 10 Waits Songs?

From the answers I'll compile a top ten of all the
respondees, OK?

I think that my list would be (but this is just
coming up in my head now and may change):

The Briar and the Rose
Take Tt With Me
Broken Bicycles
Downtown Train
Hang Down Your Head
Raindogs (of course ;-))
I'll Shoot the Moon

That's already ten, the correct order will follow,
and, as I said, maybe the list will still change
somewhat after all, when I have gone over through all
the titles. Or maybe this is the best way, to
intuitively write them down, WITHOUT looking at the
sleeves. If they come up in your head, they are
important to you.

Raindog Harry

It is difficult to choose, maybe a top 100 would be a
better idea ;-), for of course Dead and Lovely is
great too, and Hoist That Rag, The Piano Has Been
Drinking, Ruby's Arms, and..., and..., and...

Well, I know my top 3 for sure: 1) Time, 2) Briar and
The Rose and 3) Take It With Me

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