Boerbull03.12.2004 22:27my first time (cont)
To go back to an "old" topic.My first time was
1985,I'd just come to the UK from South Africa having
spent the previous 2 years in the S.A. army fighting
a war i didn't believe in,in a country that wasn't
ours(Namibia),against people i didn't hate,for a
cuase that was wrong.Needless to say at 19 my head
was pretty messed up,when during a particularly bad
time a friend sat me down and told me to "just
forgett every thing and listen to this" It was Tom's
Swordfishtrombones.It didn't solve my problems but
while I listened I forgot them.To this day whenever i
have a problem I turn to Tom,all the other times are
a mega bonus.Never could stand that dog.
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