Ally22.12.2004 13:47Back to Amsterdam
Please settle a debate for me. From afar, I thought
the special guest son at Tom's Amsterdam gigs looked
to be a teenager, but I'm told he was in his
twenties. Is this true - were my eyes deceiving me so
badly? I was there on the Friday and Sunday.
Also is Raindog Harry in this Forum the same Raindog
Harry I saw at Carre, wearing a white t-shirt with
pictures of Tom on it? I really wanted a Tom Waits t-
shirt but none were on sale, so was very jealous.
Where can I get a decent one, or is making your own
the best option?
Finally, I really enjoyed reading October/November's
issue of Magnet, which had an interview with Tom.
Whilst it's not really a characterization, I liked
the line, "His career is a musical Rorschach test:
Some just see spilled ink, others see fantastic
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