Ally16.01.2005 15:05Back to Amsterdam again!
(Sorry this is a response three weeks late in writing, but my computer had been out of action at Christmas, and subsequently I forgot I had posted a message here!)

Thanks to Raindog Harry for settling my debate about the son. I knew I wasn't going mad!

Does anyone remember Tom talking about a cafe in Vancouver, where the waitress' are deliberately rude to customers? I visited it recently - the Elbow Room - and the place is great! The staff are rude but in an amusing way, the owner is very friendly and outrageously camp, and the food is great with about one hundred all-day breakfast dishes to choose from (the waitress won't give you time to read more than three!).If it weren't for Canada's ban on smoking in public places it would be the ideal Tom Waits cafe.

I'm going to see The Black Rider in Sydney (travelling a bit just now) tomorrow - has anyone else seen it and if so does it live up to the hype? My expectations are very high.

Ally (not Alli, and short for the Scottish name Alastair. I'm not a girl called Allison as someone suggested!)
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