Where are my manners??, <ginsoakedboy>, 04.02.2005 02:18
Тема Where are my manners??
Отправлено04.02.2005 02:18

Sorry, been a bit busy but Alli thanks for the Elvis C
mp3 ( Did I tell you I love surprises??). Lovely stuff

And miss_emelmahaaeey , thank you so much for posting
the Pogues poem . I have mailed the Dubliners mp3 to
you. It' s not the same as my old one, but good enough.
I hope you like it.

It reminds me of going to Dublin in the car with my
Dad when I was a boy, to pick up my grandparents
visiting from England. Dublin was the other side of the
country, but may as well have been the other side of
the world to me. It was the first time I ate an apple
with a lump of cheese. I had a new "Dandy " comic
annual to read on the way up. My Dad brought me into
the pub where he said they took the photo for the cover
of the album (with that song on it, that we sang on the
way ). I was never sure whether to believe him or not
but was always afraid to ask him in case it wasn't true.

So when ever I hear that song , or eat cheese with my
apple, I stop for a second or two think of that perfect
journey. So maybe it's not that it's a good song, just
a great memory.

Marco - thanking you for thinking of me and sending me
a present ( i was 37 yesterday - I'm saving up for my
own mid life crisis).

When I can get my ar$e into gear I'll post a list of
what video clips I have so whoever wants them can have

And to the rest of ye thanks for all the reading
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