bluegrass - for Marco, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 04.02.2005 19:55
Тема bluegrass - for Marco
Отправлено04.02.2005 19:55

Marco, I noticed in your desert island disks that you have a Gillian
Welch album. I'm not a massive fan myself - like that sort of thing
in relatively small doses, but can see the appeal - but a friend of
mine is very keen on Gillian Welch too. In a similar vein he has
been recommending to me of late a band called The Old Crow
Medicine Show - I've only heard a couple of their tracks and they
sound pretty good. Thought that if you haven't heard of them
already you might quite like them. I only have one track on mp3 -
Wagon Wheel, a rewrite of an unfinished Bob Dylan song - so not
much that I could send you (let me know if you want it), but you
could probably get hold of loads online. Just thought I'd mention
it (sorry if you already know of them, or indeed hate them!).
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