Tom Waits on Robots soundtrack, <Alli>, 10.03.2005 12:08
Тема Tom Waits on Robots soundtrack
Отправлено10.03.2005 12:08

Found this while surfing the net... it is referring to
the new kid's animated film Robots:

"Say what you will about computer animation, it seems
clear that the creators are having scores more fun than
their live-action counterparts. The latest is Robots, a
film so generous with its details that each frame teems
with ingenious bursts of sight and sound. It must be
said that the story doesn't match the lofty standards
set by Pixar films like Finding Nemo; indeed, a degree
of been-there-done-that hangs over the proceedings from
the disposable invocations of pop culture to, err,
Robin Williams's voice. And yet it's not hard to
forgive a familiar plotline (boy leaves parents in
small town, defeats corrupt forces in the big city)
given the many wonders of Robot City: an endlessly
entertaining parade of Rube Goldberg devices and
bizarro bots. These things, plus the excellently
unexpected usage of a Tom Waits tune, make Robots a
fine matinee that will appeal to kids and 'rents alike".

SO wonder what song it is... now must insist on taking
my children to see it!!
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