Alli and all - happy days, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 25.03.2005 00:21
Тема Alli and all - happy days
Отправлено25.03.2005 00:21

Hey all you guys, cool to see your photos, nice to be able to put
faces to the names. Alli you look like you have great fun with your
kids! I was at a first birthday party late this afternoon and it was
lots of fun, in a madhouse kind of way. The Odyssey is a great
story, though I've only read bits of it when I was studying Ulysses.
Going to Greece and getting immersed in the history - and
sunshine! - would be great. I am guessing that you work with
your computer Alli, just from bits and bobs from the forum but
could be completely wrong? That has quite a wide remit anyway!
Working and looking after kids must be tough, I struggle with two
dogs! Anyway, I passed that exam today and don't have to make
any corrections to my thesis, so I'm over the moon - beyond over
the moon - about that :-))) Will soon be dr emelmahaaeey, haha.
Now going to have a few days off and spend time with my family
and friends - having a 'Come on up to the house' moment -
All good wishes to everyone.
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