Abraxas01.04.2005 01:17New Recording Amsterdam Carre Saturday Show
Hi there

I know its already 4 monthes ago but i only got my
borrowed gear back together lately. So I could finally
transfer my recording to my pc in good quality.
The recording is at least as good sounding as the
incomplete recording. Only a few very loud parts are
minimaly distorted.
The recording is complete except for the last minute
of November. I dont know who is the taper of the
incomplete recording, but if i am allowed to i can use
his recording to fill the gap.
if youre interested in having this recording i would
be glad to share it on easytree. the problem is, i
dont know how to do it. how do i seed it? what do i
another possibility would be to send a copy to someone
who knows how to do that.
Let me know
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