ginsoakedboy07.05.2005 19:40You 'd never guess I listen to......

Musical confessions here with Father Ginsoaked.

I know Tom Waits fans are by definition people with a
discerning ear, and it has been great to see (and hear)
music you have suggested that you also like.

I was wondering does anyone hear have a secret liking
for something that we would never expect a Tom Waits
fan to listen to much.

I'll start off with Westlife - although this is a bit
of a cheat because I have been listening to their
"Let's Be Frank" (I think they call it) album of old
standards like "MAck the Knife", "Clementine" and so on.

And I'll admit to a closet liking for Destiny's Child -
although I much prefer them on video. And I was mad
about Abba when they won the Euovision. (I think I may
have said to much already)

So , come on - is there anyone here who likes Steps
Club Seven or Blue when they think no on is watching??

In the strictest confidence , of course. I won't tell
anyone. Honest
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