liat19.11.2005 00:47hello friends
hello everyone.
its been awhile since ive wrote here. i stoped using
my computer for a few month, giving it to one of my
friends, never looked back.
2 days ago i brought it back cause i needed it for my
studies (started first year in cinema).
its good to see everyone's still here. eric, i wanna
thank u for your kind emails,im realy sorry i didnt
send anything back.
the reson im writing now is becouse i remembered that
last year on the same date as today i was on a plain
to amsterdam to see our hero, and not only had the
honnor to see him twice, i also met some wonderful
people there like harry and eric, who made the trip
even better. i guess you all can agry it was a once
in a life time, i hope ill never forget it.
have a great evening, everyone. :)
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