best of all times, <Tiago>, 08.02.2002 06:10
best of all times, <donut>, 05.03.2002 09:58
best of all times, <oleg T.>, 02.10.2002 22:28
best of all times, <bottomingbug>, 27.03.2003 04:09
Тема best of all times
Отправлено08.02.2002 06:10

Tom Waits is the most important musician in the last
20 years. Raindogs, Frank's Wild Years (my favorite),
Swordfishtrombone (hey, can you write this name by
memory?), and The Black Rider are incredible records!
Two more albums are coming from Tom Waits, in March. I
can&#180;t wait for Waits...
It's a pity I can't read any messages, because the
letters are different. Hope you can read this.
(from Russia I only know the music of Oleg Kostrow,
that I love a lot)
Have you seen the film Big Time? Don't miss it!
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