can anyone answer this question to me please, <SomeGuy>, 27.08.2003 19:01
can anyone answer this question to me please, <Walery>, 02.11.2003 21:50
can anyone answer this question to me please, <rafa>, 04.12.2003 00:38
can anyone answer this question to me please, <KITCHEE>, 29.01.2004 02:50
can anyone answer this question to me please, <Joe Marlango>, 07.02.2004 20:25
Subject can anyone answer this question to me please
Created27.08.2003 19:01

Hello there. I've been hearing about a live recording
by Tom Waits in which, between songs, he does a
monologue talking about a girl he was in love with
called Suzie Marlango, whose brother Joe had a band
called The Marlangos. Would anyone happen to know
about this recording, and whether it's been published
and under what name etc? Thanks a lot :)
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