Ticket, <Mirski>, 02.10.2004 17:15
Ticket, <Ross>, 02.10.2004 17:33
Ticket, <Try>, 02.10.2004 17:52
Subject Ticket
Created02.10.2004 17:33

This forum rocks... After 3 hours of continuous
ringing on 2 phones and surfing both Carre and TM web
sites I had only got though once, and the phone went
dead just after I gave my phone no. So I was
despondent and surfed in here to see how others got
on. Saw a fresh post saying they were drip releasing
seats one at a time and now there are 7 more happy
norwegians sitting in the theater on sat and sunday.

I was consoling myself that I didn't want to share a
theatre with the sort of whizzes who had worked out
how to beat the impenetrable phone wall. But now I
see that the seats are going to raindogs with real
staying power... (and those like 2 friends who were
too hungover to start ringing until after midday...)

So if you are in despair keep hammering away. Picked
up two rang 2 saturday tickets around 15:15 CET.
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