Which countries?, <Stefan Beekman>, 02.10.2004 20:31
UK, <klick23>, 02.10.2004 20:32
czech, <kuzņa>, 04.10.2004 12:13
New Zealandx3 + Danmark, <Ross>, 02.10.2004 20:37
Which countries?, <Sass>, 02.10.2004 20:39
Which countries?, <sophi>, 03.10.2004 03:59
Norway, <T>, 02.10.2004 21:15
Which countries?, <Ioana>, 02.10.2004 21:52
Which countries?, <AB>, 02.10.2004 22:07
Belgium off course, <garp>, 03.10.2004 02:18
Italy, darling, <Jerseygirl>, 04.10.2004 02:41
Ireland, <bc>, 04.10.2004 13:13
USA, <cs>, 04.10.2004 23:04
Which countries?, <ogm>, 05.10.2004 12:57
Scotland, <Mary>, 05.10.2004 14:12
Subject Which countries?
SenderStefan Beekman
Created02.10.2004 20:31

I see postings from so many different countries.
Just made me curious from which countries there will
be people coming to the Amsterdam shows?

Can you put your country in the subject?

For years I have been telling people that I will go to
any European city to see a Tom Waits show and now I
just get to see him in my own country. How lucky!!!

Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!
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