so lets talk about the music instead of the tickets, <graemsd>, 05.10.2004 03:14
so lets talk about the music instead of the tickets, <Ross>, 05.10.2004 09:32
so lets talk about the music instead of the tickets, <Pablo>, 05.10.2004 15:38
so lets talk about the music instead of the tickets, <Pablo>, 05.10.2004 16:14
so lets talk about the music instead of the tickets, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 15:24
Subject so lets talk about the music instead of the tickets
Created05.10.2004 09:32

I managed to pick up a copy in my lil' hick town. The
only Waits they had in stock, they specialise in
teenpop and danseband. The salesman looked at me
quizically, like "you sure you want this?". I think
he had been sent some copies by head office and didn't
expect to be able to shift it.

"Have you heard it before?"
- well, I am only missing a couple of his albums
"No, have you heard this album before?"
- no, it only got released today
"and you haven't heard on the radio either?"
- err, no (norwegian radio specialises in teenpop and
danseband. Hell they don't even play their own
homegrown Kaizers Orchestra).
"but you are sure you want it?"
- look, I am walking over broken glass for it (think
if one of my workmates sees me in the teenpop and
danseband music shop)
"You see, this is kind of <strange> music, this".
- You bet! I am really looking forward to it!

I had read the Guardian review and was prepared for
something fairly unlistenable. But this is great and
melodic. Do you think the reviewer had put the srong
CD in the stereo?
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