track 16, <jester>, 07.10.2004 10:44
track 16, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 10:54
track 16, <Neil>, 07.10.2004 13:15
track 16, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 15:16
Subject track 16
SenderRaindog Harry
Created07.10.2004 10:54

Yes, heard it, and like it too. At first I thought
that is was the Clang Boom Steam song, but that is of
course number thirteen. Tom first wanted to call the
album Clang Boom Steam by the way, but then Kathleen
answered: Clang Boom Steam?? What kind of a title is
that?? She suggested Real Gone. Anyway, yes nice that
extra song. Do you know John Cale (not J.J. of
course)? On his latest cd there is also a hidden
track, it is written in very small print on the cd
sleeve. If I remember well, one has to put the cd in
the player and then press the rewind button until the
counter goes from 0.000 to minus something and there
it is, a good song too. Anyway, now is Tom Waits

Raindog Harry
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