Guitar Sound, <Raindog Harry>, 08.10.2004 12:26
Guitar Sound, <raindog>, 08.10.2004 14:24
Guitar Sound, <leebabysims>, 08.10.2004 15:34
Guitar Sound, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 09.10.2004 16:24
Subject Guitar Sound
Created09.10.2004 16:24

Yeah, the new album's just sounding better and better,
I absolutely love it. It's like 'welcome back' to that
guitar, very reminiscent of Frank's trilogy, and there
are just so many great layers of sound. His beatbox
really works too. Think my personal favourites thus
far are Shake It and Green Grass; Baby Gonna Leave Me
is up there too. Can't wait to hear them live - have
spent a fortune in money I don't have getting tickets
to see him in Berlin, but what the f*ck, he'll be
worth it. Of that I'm certain.
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