Aardvark - did you have any luck with tickets yet??, <Allibee>, 19.10.2004 14:15
Aardvark - did you have any luck with tickets yet??, <Aardvark>, 19.10.2004 15:45
woopeee, <Allibee>, 19.10.2004 20:30
Subject Aardvark - did you have any luck with tickets yet??
Created19.10.2004 15:45

I think so, although I think I bought at the peak!!
Hopefully two decent seats for the 19th on their way
to me this week.
It's such a shame that my memories of these concerts
will probably be tainted by the ticket fiasco. I was
a student in 1985 but still managed to see 4 nights
at the Dominion (including 2 standing at the very
back) and then a junior doctor in 1987 when I went to
all 4 nights in Hammersmith. Those were concerts I'll
remeber all my life (and all the tickets were bought
Luckily I'm now in a position where I can afford the
ebay prices, but it still leaves a bad taste in my
Thanks for the concern!
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