Just how steep is the Carre??, <Mary>, 20.10.2004 15:09
Just how steep is the Carre??, <Allibee>, 20.10.2004 15:52
Alibee :), <Mary>, 20.10.2004 16:09
Vertigo, <Raindog Harry>, 20.10.2004 16:30
Amsterdam! ...see inside, <Allibee>, 20.10.2004 16:54
Just how steep is the Carre??, <Raindog Harry>, 20.10.2004 16:28
Just how steep is the Carre??, <Raindog Harry>, 20.10.2004 16:26
Gawd Harry.. too honest :))), <Allibee>, 20.10.2004 16:57
Yes Harry.. too honest :))), <Mary>, 20.10.2004 18:38
Yes Harry.. too honest :))), <Raindog Harry>, 20.10.2004 19:14
Yes Harry.. too honest :))), <Mary>, 20.10.2004 20:02
Just how steep is the Carre??, <marco>, 23.10.2004 01:26
Subject Just how steep is the Carre??
Created20.10.2004 15:09

I read that the Carre was formally a circus theatre
and it is very steep.

Now my problem is that, only too glad to get the
chance to be in the same room as Tom, i took any seats
I could get and counted myself lucky to get them even
in Rang 4. But there is no denying that I suffer from
vertigo and remember one night in a high circle at a
concert being over come with dizziness at the height
and twisting in my seat to hang onto the seat back as
I had a sensation of falling forward Not all bad if
Tom caught me but what if I landed on him???? :)
Determined not to let this spoil my night of a
lifetime but want to be prepared - just
how 'steep' /high is 'steep' in the Carre?? Very
steep, extra steep, scarey steep or parachute steep?
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