Proposed Place To Meet, <Raindog Harry>, 08.11.2004 12:38
Proposed Place To Meet, <Jester>, 09.11.2004 10:28
Proposed Place To Meet, <Raindog Harry>, 10.11.2004 18:10
Proposed Place To Meet, <Sass>, 10.11.2004 18:30
Proposed Place To Meet, <Raindog Harry>, 11.11.2004 16:55
Proposed Place To Meet, <Allibee>, 11.11.2004 16:54
Proposed Place To Meet, <Raindog Harry>, 11.11.2004 17:04
Subject Proposed Place To Meet
Created11.11.2004 16:54

Sounds great to me Harry... I am lunching with a friend
from Amsterdam on Sat and then will do my best to make
my way over to the Red Baron.. personally I would much
rather NOT go to the touristy areas.. and as probably
one of the older Waits fans here would prefer not to go
to a nightclub.. although given a few beers I can dance
as well as any 18 yr old (in my head anyway).. heehee
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