TW on the TV last night, <BurntFaceJake>, 15.11.2004 12:19
TW on the TV last night, <NTh>, 15.11.2004 12:40
TW on the TV last night- for NTh, <BurntFaceJake>, 15.11.2004 13:01
TW on the TV last night- for NTh, <kevy>, 15.11.2004 13:38
Howard on JAYNE'S BLUE WISH, <Eric>, 15.11.2004 13:48
TW on the TV last night- for kevy, <BurntFaceJake>, 15.11.2004 13:49
Subject TW on the TV last night- for NTh
Created15.11.2004 13:38

was that lyric, life is a road..etc. not a johnny cash

Great to see srit tom'a'lot on the ould telly. really
brightened up my day. Pitty So many arseholes were
mentioned on the same program, like robbie williams
and when the vid of the tomster was played there was
very little applause as if everyone there (who were
all supposed to have been figureheads of the music
industry) were like "who the sweet fuck is that?"

Idiots, idiots, idiots.

Great Wee song. I think it must have been recorded in
Toms house cause there was loads of junk all araound
him as well as a piano and what looked like a massive
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