The dish ran away with the spoon, <Eric>, 15.11.2004 16:27
The dish ran away with the spoon, <Nick>, 15.11.2004 16:54
Hey Diddle Diddle, <Allibee>, 15.11.2004 16:55
Hatter stutter, <Eric>, 15.11.2004 17:43
Hatter stutter, <Raindog Harry>, 15.11.2004 17:51
Hatter stutter, <Allibee>, 15.11.2004 18:05
Subject Hey Diddle Diddle
Created15.11.2004 16:55

no Eric - it's a fairly traditional children's nursery
rhyme.. it goes

Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle,
the cow jumped over the moon
The little dog laughed to see such fun,
and the dish ran away with the spoon.

That's it.. not sure who wrote it.. maybe someone
stoned.. it's origins probably lie in some historical
battle or something.. like Humpty Dumpty.. is a nursery
rhyme about a big egg.. in reality Humpty Dumpty was
the name of a cannon on the perimeter walls of a town
called Colchester..haha.. I hope you get what I am
saying.. I am NOT stoned by the way :)
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