setlist 2nd Berlin show, <Garp>, 17.11.2004 12:00
2nd Berlin show - November Harry, <Allibee>, 17.11.2004 13:52
2nd Berlin show - November Harry, <Raindog Harry>, 17.11.2004 13:57
2nd Berlin show - November Harry, <raymy>, 17.11.2004 14:45
2nd Berlin show - November Harry, <Raindog Harry>, 17.11.2004 16:20
2nd Berlin show - November Harry, <Swordfishtrampe>, 17.11.2004 18:59
2nd Berlin show - November Harry, <Shinji>, 20.11.2004 21:44
Subject 2nd Berlin show - November Harry
Created17.11.2004 14:45

TW almost played November TWICE last night. He sang
the opening line of it while Ribot was playing Alice.
Realising the mistake,he stopped and told a joke about
falling out of his crib as a baby and being brain-
damaged.He really is a great entertainer.
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