way back home, <elias>, 18.11.2004 23:50
way back home, <jan l.>, 18.11.2004 23:59
way back home, <elias>, 19.11.2004 00:05
way back home, <Raf>, 19.11.2004 00:11
way back home, <Raindog Harry>, 19.11.2004 02:33
way back home, <elias>, 19.11.2004 00:36
Subject way back home
SenderRaindog Harry
Created19.11.2004 02:33

And even then, it depends on the dead person, doesn't
it? ;-)) Just a little joke...


For the ones who do not understand Dutch/Belgian: Raf
writes: Why should somebody be unable to attend a Tom
Waits concert? (unless of course it concerns a dead
person) - (he's referring to somebody calling
somebody else, offering a ticket for a Tom Waits
show, because being unable to go himself/herself)
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