Set List Amsterdam, <UK Fan>, 25.11.2004 18:04
Set List Amsterdam, <Eric>, 25.11.2004 18:11
Set List Amsterdam, <UK Fan>, 25.11.2004 18:15
for the record, <Garp>, 25.11.2004 19:02
Set List Amsterdam, <Dean In The Hole>, 26.11.2004 15:23
Set List Amsterdam, <Garp>, 26.11.2004 18:17
Set List Amsterdam, <Stefan>, 25.11.2004 18:13
Subject Set List Amsterdam
Created25.11.2004 18:11

Here it is :

1. Hoist that rag (with Casey Waits)
2. Make it rain
3. Jokey full of burbon
4. Don't go into that barn
5. Sins of my father
6. Straight to the top
7. God's away on business
8. Misery is the river of the world
9. Alice
10. November
11. Eyeball kid
12. Walk away
13. Metropolitan glide
14. What's he building?
15. Shake it

16. 16 Shells from a thirty-ought six
17. Trampled rose
18. House where nobody lives (piano)
19. Lucky day (piano)
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