Favourite song :-), <Chihuahua Carlos>, 25.11.2004 11:38
Favourite song :-), <Raindog Harry>, 25.11.2004 12:33
Old Father Craft, <Eric>, 25.11.2004 13:24
All the world is green..., <Allibee>, 25.11.2004 15:54
Love that too, Allibee, <Mary>, 25.11.2004 16:08
Love that too, <Eric>, 25.11.2004 16:12
Love that too, <Allibee>, 25.11.2004 17:59
Love that too, <Eric>, 25.11.2004 18:17
Love that too, <Allibee>, 25.11.2004 18:37
Love that too, <Eric>, 25.11.2004 18:59
Wedding Menu, <Allibee>, 25.11.2004 20:07
Dreamland, <Eric>, 25.11.2004 20:31
Dreamland, <Allibee>, 25.11.2004 20:58
Dreamland, <Eric>, 25.11.2004 21:34
Dreamland, <Eric>, 25.11.2004 21:58
All the world is green..., <Carol>, 25.11.2004 23:14
Favourite song :-), <Carol>, 26.11.2004 00:25
Best Man?, <Raindog Harry>, 26.11.2004 15:36
Subject Dreamland
Created25.11.2004 21:34

I does indeed.
Him and Kathleen are the best.
You know, I'm french, and here you have people like
Claude Nougaro, Jacques Brel, Brassens, Leo Ferré etc.
who are great lyricists... I like them a lot.
Tom Waits'songs are of that level, and often higher in
my opinion.
It's a pity I don't always understand the lyrics
straight away or the same you do, because it is your
language. When the emotion breaks the language barrier,
that shows how genuine and deep it is.
And as deep as the ocean it is.
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