raindogs.co.uk, <brandan>, 26.11.2004 10:52
raindogs.co.uk, <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 12:32
raindogs.co.uk ?, <Eric>, 26.11.2004 13:10
raindogs.co.uk ?, <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 13:34
raindogs.co.uk ?, <Eric>, 26.11.2004 13:40
nice quote!, <Zimbra>, 26.11.2004 14:33
nice quote!, <Eric>, 26.11.2004 15:41
raindogs.co.uk ?, <brandan>, 26.11.2004 13:42
raindogs.co.uk ?, <Raindog Harry>, 26.11.2004 14:03
raindogs.co.uk ?, <brandan>, 26.11.2004 14:40
raindogs.co.uk ?, <Raindog Harry>, 26.11.2004 15:14
raindogs.co.uk ?, <brandan>, 26.11.2004 15:18
raindogs.co.uk ?, <Raindog Harry>, 26.11.2004 15:28
raindogs.co.uk ?, <brandan>, 26.11.2004 15:39
Subject raindogs.co.uk ?
Created26.11.2004 13:10

Heuu... I'm not sure I understand what you're talking
You're talking about buying a whole web site, is that
it ? What is "raindogs.co.uk" exactly ?
I tried it on google, didn't find much.
I may be a Tom Waits fan, but I'm no internet fan and
no computer wiz
Could you "switch my lantern on" for me :-)

Dumb Eric
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