F***ing Angry, <Non>, 26.11.2004 19:34
F***ing Angry, <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 19:38
F***ing Angry, <Aardvark>, 26.11.2004 22:29
F***ing Angry, <raymy>, 26.11.2004 23:38
F***ing Angry, <kevy>, 27.11.2004 16:41
Jamie Cullen, <allibee>, 27.11.2004 19:09
F***ing Angry, <Tony Oliver>, 29.11.2004 18:08
Subject F***ing Angry
Created26.11.2004 23:38

Here's something else that will piss you off...the guy
i was sitting next to at Sat A'Dam told me he wasnt
really a big TW fan,but he went out on his bike around
6.30pm to buy a loaf and thought he would ask at Carre
about a ticket. You know what? He told me the guy at
the ticket desk said "yeah, i've got a spare one
here".Great seat,too.To think of all the trouble the
rest of us had getting a ticket and some guy out
shopping on the spur of the moment hooks one of the
best seats in the house.No justice.
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