Time (to Mary...and others of course), <Tristan>, 02.12.2004 12:14
Time (to Mary...and others of course), <Raindog Harry>, 02.12.2004 14:55
Time (to Mary...and others of course), <Raindog Harry>, 02.12.2004 14:58
Time Harry, <Alli>, 02.12.2004 15:33
OH and.... Anne Sofie von Otter, <Alli (always Alli)>, 02.12.2004 15:36
OH and.... Anne Sofie von Otter, <Raindog Harry>, 02.12.2004 16:42
OH and.... Anne Sofie von Otter, <Raindog Harry>, 02.12.2004 16:43
I can't find that track, <Allibee>, 02.12.2004 17:26
I can't find that track, <Raindog Harry>, 02.12.2004 20:45
I can't find that track, <Raindog Harry>, 02.12.2004 20:46
The Missing track, <Alli>, 02.12.2004 22:04
I can't find that track, <Raindog Harry>, 03.12.2004 10:38
Time/number logic, <Tristan>, 03.12.2004 01:02
Time, <Raindog Harry>, 03.12.2004 10:33
Time (to Mary...and others of course), <Mary>, 02.12.2004 16:58
Subject I can't find that track
SenderRaindog Harry
Created02.12.2004 20:45

I have the cd here in front of me, For The Stars,
track 6 is Broken Bicycles, track 17 is Take It With
Me, I call it a female version, as, where Tom

In a land there's a town
And in that town there's a house
And there inside that town there's a man
And in that man there's a heart that I love
I'm gonna take it with me when I go

...Costello/Von Otter sing 'woman' instead of 'man'

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