More Easytree Help Please, <Terry>, 02.12.2004 23:00
More Easytree Help Please, <Alli>, 03.12.2004 01:51
More Easytree Help Please, <marco>, 03.12.2004 02:11
:), <Alli>, 03.12.2004 02:16
:), <marco>, 03.12.2004 02:24
More Easytree Help Please, <Terry>, 03.12.2004 10:37
Subject More Easytree Help Please
Created03.12.2004 02:11

It's like life itself. When you share you get
something in return. In the beginning there is
someone who puts the show on line. Folks start to
notice that. They go to their favourite forum and
before you know it you've got dozens of leeches
trying to download the show. When you download you
share at the same time. Depending on your internet-
speed of course. Then someone has 100% so he or she
becomes a seeder too. And in a perfect world
everybody stays on line of course to share. But you
guessed it...
To quote a famous psychedelic album:
"A circle is perfect, but the world isn't round".
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