another message for harry, <liat>, 03.12.2004 10:51
Fishing for compliments - for liat ;-), <Raindog Harry>, 03.12.2004 13:30
Liat superstar, <Eric>, 03.12.2004 14:24
Liat superstar, <Raindog Harry>, 03.12.2004 14:36
Liat superstar, <Eric>, 03.12.2004 14:49
Liat superstar, <liat>, 03.12.2004 19:01
ps for harry, <liat>, 03.12.2004 19:19
For Liat, <Eric>, 03.12.2004 19:22
For Liat, <liat>, 03.12.2004 19:23
ps for erik, <liat>, 03.12.2004 19:23
ps for erik, <liat>, 03.12.2004 19:25
ps for erik, <Eric>, 03.12.2004 19:33
ps for erik(c), <liat>, 03.12.2004 19:39
ps for harry, <Raindog Harry>, 03.12.2004 23:02
ps for harry, <marco>, 04.12.2004 00:27
ps voor Marco, <Raindog Harry>, 04.12.2004 15:47
ps voor da Raindog, <marco>, 04.12.2004 18:19
ps voor Marco, <liat>, 04.12.2004 18:30
ps voor Marco, <Raindog Harry>, 04.12.2004 19:47
ps voor Marco, <Raindog Harry>, 04.12.2004 19:51
Subject Fishing for compliments - for liat ;-)
SenderRaindog Harry
Created03.12.2004 13:30

Hello Liat, I don't mind ;-) (Love it) ;-)

Five minutes ago I thought: let's see if we can get
another compliment from Liat. I checked the lyrics in
the lyrics booklet from the compilation cd Beautiful
Maladies, that was lying on my table, because I used
it to quote the chorus of Time for Tristan - I
thought suppose that if I look at the first letters
of the lines of the songs, from up to down, and
suppose that by chance these letters would form the
name Liat, that would be nice, (thought you might
like that, if Tom had included your name in a hidden
form in his lyrics, knowingly or unknowingly ;-)))
and, if I would be so lucky, I might get ANOTHER
compliment from this beautiful young lady. I did not
find the combination of letters/lines (yet ;-)), but
then I looked at the title of the cd, and, well not
Liat in it, but at least Beautiful Ladies in it ;-))
Funny no? Hadn't noticed it before. Nice play. Maybe
it can inspire others too, to find some nice word
things in the lyrics. Nice job for Eric too maybe,
Eric ;-))?

Bye now, I gladly accept all of your compliments
Liat. Sparkles on a December day.
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