harry, <liat>, 09.12.2004 01:31
harry, <liat>, 09.12.2004 01:41
harry, <Raindog Harry>, 09.12.2004 13:24
Subject harry
SenderRaindog Harry
Created09.12.2004 13:24

Yes, I'm here NOW (9 dec 11:21 over here), but I
suppose you are not going to sleep now ;-)

Anyway, ask what you want! I will answer what I
want ;-) You can also write an email, I will answer
that one too. Unless I fall asleep behind my computer
now... , ok enough silly jokes. I am here, but you
there? Which reminds me of a Dutch song: the side of
the river where we are not we call the other side,
which becomes this side once we are there... etc.
Anyway, lot of words, not much meaning ;-)) I'd
better stop...

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