easy tree, help needed, <belo>, 09.12.2004 16:35
easy tree, help needed, <philly joe remarkable>, 09.12.2004 17:16
easy tree, help, <Alli>, 09.12.2004 18:57
easy tree, help, <marco>, 09.12.2004 19:32
easy tree, help, <belo>, 09.12.2004 22:14
Be Careful Marco !, <ginsoakedboy>, 09.12.2004 23:29
Be Careful Marco !, <marco>, 10.12.2004 00:51
Ginsoakedboy, I'm your fan, <Eric>, 10.12.2004 13:06
Subject Be Careful Marco !
Created09.12.2004 23:29

New shoes at a wedding can be dangerous. A few beers,a
little too much dancing , your shoes not broken in.
You don't know about the blisters until the morning. If
I was you, I'd put the shoes on tonight, maybe with a
little soap or olive oil on the inside of them and
play "Hang On St Christopher " really loud. Try them
out. That should sort them out. You can accept waking
up with a sore head as part of the price for a good
wedding, but you don't need the sore feet. Unless of
course it's you own wedding, in which case you'll be
glad of shoes that don't fit ,because at least you'll
have something to look forward to every evening when
you get home from work for the next thirty years -
you'll be able to take them off.

Enjoy the wedding!!
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