almost all the lyrics of "lost at the bottom...", <liat>, 11.12.2004 21:06
almost all the lyrics of "lost at the bottom...", <Raindog Harry>, 11.12.2004 22:22
almost all the lyrics of "lost at the bottom...", <liat>, 11.12.2004 22:41
almost all the lyrics of "lost at the bottom...", <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 12.12.2004 14:28
Subject almost all the lyrics of "lost at the bottom..."
Created12.12.2004 14:28

Thanks for those liat: I loved that song. (Haven't
downloaded any of the performance stuff from online as
I'm not really into downloading stuff, find it a bit
frustrating and also only have a modem connection, but
I might try to get hold of that song if it doesn't get
released anywhere else). Tom is quite fond of diamonds
balancing on blades of grass, isn't he. Dewdrops I
suppose. He also really does seem pissed off with the
world. The whole set list for the night I saw in
Berlin reflected that general feeling I think: Lost in
the Harbour; God's Away; Misery's the River of the
World etc. And Make It Rain sung with such
desperation. Maybe if we all tried to make the world a
better place it'd cheer him up :-). Nice thought.
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