RH, <liat>, 12.12.2004 21:49
RH, <Raindog Harry>, 12.12.2004 23:05
RH, <marco>, 13.12.2004 00:43
RH, <marco>, 13.12.2004 00:50
RH, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 01:06
OK, short Quiz, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 01:11
OK, short Quiz, <marco>, 13.12.2004 01:30
OK, short Quiz, <marco>, 13.12.2004 01:35
OK, short Quiz, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 01:38
OK, short Quiz, <marco>, 13.12.2004 01:40
OK, short Quiz, <marco>, 13.12.2004 01:43
OK, short Quiz, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 01:45
OK, short Quiz, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 01:51
OK, short Quiz, <marco>, 13.12.2004 01:54
OK, short Quiz, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 01:44
OK, short Quiz, <marco>, 13.12.2004 01:52
OK, short quiz, <Mary>, 13.12.2004 01:59
OK, short quiz, <marco>, 13.12.2004 02:02
OK, short quiz, <marco>, 13.12.2004 02:03
OK, short quiz, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 02:05
Pardon?, <Mary>, 13.12.2004 02:07
OK, short quiz, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 02:06
OK, short quiz, <marco>, 13.12.2004 02:24
OK, short quiz, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 02:27
OK, short quiz, <marco>, 13.12.2004 02:47
OK, short quiz, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 02:52
OK, short quiz, <big joe>, 13.12.2004 03:38
OK, short quiz, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 09:36
Got it!!!, <Mary>, 13.12.2004 09:44
Got it!!!, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 09:54
Got it!!!, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 12:24
Got it!!!, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 13:55
I was right but......, <Mary>, 13.12.2004 15:12
I was right but......, <Raindog Harry>, 13.12.2004 16:07
Subject RH
Created12.12.2004 21:49

hey, man! good to hear from you.
i was also VERY buisy this long weekend (working 12
hours a day making LOADS of ice cream), and actualy
did nothing but that, planning my friend's wedding
party, checking this forum and sleeping. i lost alot
of weight, though, so thats good. get new for your
new book, sound exaiting. for how long have you been
playing? i dont know how to play on anything, but if
i will someday it will defenatly be the drums.
thank you so much for your recomedation on anton
corbijn (and thanks marco, for the link), he is
brilliant! but tell me, since there is not alot of
his tw shots in the site, where can i find them? any
idea? he wrote (on the agenda category) he cant wait
to see waits live concert, so he maybe sat among us
in one of the shows. do you know him personaly?
i have a link for you too, if you dont know it yet.
its an on line radio station that playes tom's songs
24 hours, so thats always nice.
enjoy. talk soon. liat.
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