John Peel never liked Tom Waits, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 17.12.2004 00:17
Didn't he??!!!, <Alli>, 17.12.2004 01:22
You usually avoid them like the plague, <ginsoakedboy>, 17.12.2004 02:37
You usually avoid them like the plague, <marco>, 17.12.2004 03:07
Home Truths was also great.., <Alli>, 17.12.2004 04:47
Home Truths was also great.., <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 17.12.2004 20:55
Home Truths was also great.., <marco>, 17.12.2004 21:53
on the disadvantages of advantages, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 17.12.2004 23:24
on the disadvantages of advantages, <marco>, 18.12.2004 00:55
on the disadvantages of advantages, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 18.12.2004 20:18
Subject Home Truths was also great..
Created17.12.2004 20:55

yeah, I used to love listening to Home Truths on a
Saturday morning (always up early as we have two dogs
that like their walks!). It's not the same without
I knew John Peel loved Captain Beefheart as well, and
I agree, that makes it really quite strange he never
liked Waits, but he just didn't like him at all. There
you go. I guess life would be boring if people were
totally predictable.
Agree with ginsoakedboy re the radio giving him a crap
slot. His was the only show on radio one worth
listening to by miles.
Nice also to hear Marco's comments about The Perfumed
Garden. Jarvis Cocker was talking about it last night
on the tribute programme and it sounded like a real
institution (in an anti-establishment way of course!).
He played a clip and JP sounded like he was tripping
out of his mind or something, it was funny. These
things make me wish I was 20 years older, would've
loved to have heard it at the time. Also, if I was 20
years older I may have been able to see Tom a couple
more times, which would've been nice... Oh well, at
least I got to see him the once.
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